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Working with us


Executive Search

Sidley Marion understand the impact an appointment can have on an organisation. Having the right leaders and teams in place ensures companies can adapt to new ways of doing business.


Attracting the right leaders to an organisation requires an in depth understanding of your vision and values. We provide advice and help those involved in the hiring process shape their proposition as part of our assignments.


Ensuring future leaders share your values and possess the skills to deliver value to your organisation requires rigorous assessment. Our assignments follow a robust framework, in which we incorporate an agreed set of core competencies and values into our assessment process.


In addition to our assessment methods, as part of our process we can also perform independent psychometric assessment through our partnership with a group of Business Psychologists and Leadership Coaches.


Advisory Services 

With volatility in the world today there has never been a more important time for leadership continuity, and to ensure your teams and organisation are structured to perform and be resilient.


Sidley Marion undertake bespoke advisory projects to strengthen and future proof your organisation, be they succession planning, intelligence reports on optimum organisational structure, or in-depth analysis on executive remuneration.

Through our partnerships we can assess your executive team and work with you to ensure the right people are performing the right roles for the years to come. 

T: +44 (0)203 983 4432


33 Cannon Street

London EC4M 5SB

© 2022 Sidley Marion

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